About IBD.mindovergut.com

What is IBD.mindovergut.com?


IBD.mindovergut.com (formally IBDclinic.org.au) is an internet-based free service for individuals with IBD. IBDclinic has been visited by over 11,000 individuals.


This website has been developed by Associate Professor Simon Knowles a researcher and clinical psychologist in Melbourne, Australia. The website content has been peer-reviewed by medical experts. If you identify any errors or have any concerns, please contact us. This website and Associate Professor Simon Knowles cannot provide individual medical advice or recommendations regarding your health or healthcare. Always seek advice regarding your health with a qualified health professional.


The aim of this website is to provide:


  • comprehensive and accurate expert-reviewed source of information relating to IBD
  • An evidence-based psychologically-focused resilience program for individuals diagnosed with IBD

Your use of this service and feedback is valuable. Your participation in the assessment and treatment programs will also help shape this service to better support individuals with IBD.


If you would like to volunteer to participate in other ongoing IBD-based research activities, please click on “Participate in Research”.


I wish you every success and hope you will find the information and resilience programs helpful.


I wish to thank the Broad Medical Research Program of The Broad Foundation based in the United States of America for their patience and support and funding for the original IBDclinic hosted at Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne Australia.


Associate Professor Simon Knowles



Other websites by Associate Professor Simon Knowles: 

IBS.mindovergut.com (formally IBSclinic.org.au) – an internet-based free service for individuals with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). 

Gastroparesis.mindovergut.com – an internet-based free service for individuals with gastroparesis. 

Coeliac.mindovergut.com – an internet-based free service for individuals with Coeliac disease.

Mindovergut.com – Associate Professor Knowles’ personal website.


Please note:
Advertising and funding: This website does not advertise or solicit commercial products or services. This website is funded and maintained by Associate Professor Simon Knowles.

Conflict of interest/Competing interests: Associate Professor Simon Knowles has received funding and payments from several foundations and pharmaceutical companies. Websites developed by Associate Professor Simon Knowles have no commercial, financial, professional relationship with other organizations or with the people working with them. It is the policy of mindovergut.com not to advertise or solicit commercial products or services. If any conflict of interest occurs, it will be clearly identified here.

Medical terms